Workshop | Behavioural and experimental perspectives to environmental valuation and governance

Time: 30–31 May 2018
Venue: Maaherran makasiini building, Porthan hall (address: Henrikinkatu 10), Turku Finland

The workshop will explore the interface of experimental behavioural sciences and experiential landscape valuation studies. We will focus our attention and share experiences on behavioural laboratory experiments, choice experiment surveys and deliberative economic valuation approaches. Our purpose is to open new theoretical and empirical possibilities for the real-life field experiments on collaborative and deliberative environmental valuation.


Wednesday 30 May 2018

10:00 Introduction to landscape valuation

Windmills, shield forests and the public: landscape valuation as community-building
Juha Hiedanpää, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke

Environmental valuation in the framework of payments for ecosystem services
Erkki Mäntymaa, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke

Deliberative environmental valuation
Eija Pouta, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke

Topical discussion

11:30 Coffee

11:45 Keynote I: Deliberative monetary valuation
Jasper Kenter, University of York (Online presentation)

12:30 Keynote II: Subliminal influence on generosity
Topi Miettinen, University of Helsinki

13:15 Lunch (M Kitchen & Café, Aboa Vetus, Itäinen Rantakatu 4-6)

14:30 Behavioral laboratory experiments

Empathy priming and asymmetric allocation decisions: an experimental design
Kaisa Herne, University of Tampere

Opinion formation in structured groups of experimental subjects
Olli Lappalainen, University of Tampere

Topical discussion

15:40 Coffee

16:0017:30 Structured discussion: possible field experiments in PALO

19:00 Get-together reception (Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke, Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4a)

Thursday 31 May 2018

10:00 Keynote III: Field experiments in environmental governance studies:
a meta approach
Ulan Kasymov, Humboldt University, Berlin

10:45 Keynote IV: Participatory environmental valuation: some challenges
John O’Neill, University of Manchester

11:30–11.45     Closing remarks
Juha Hiedanpää, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke

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13:0016:00     Interaction workshop for PALO researchers

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The registration for this workshop is closed.

Further information:
Please direct questions about the event to Juha Hiedanpää Juha.Hiedanpaa(at)

Organiser:  PALO – Participation in Long-Term Decision Making is a multidisciplinary research project that analyzes problems of practices of long-term decision-making. With the objective to strengthen democracy, PALO develops better practices for deliberative citizen participation. The consortium partners are University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, Natural Resources Institute Finland and University of Tampere. The project is funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) at the Academy of Finland.


Workshop poster (pdf)

Workshop programme (pdf)