Webinar | Deliberating Climate Justice

Time: 21 June 2021 at 10:4512:15 (EEST/GMT +3)
Place: Online via Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/67394047060

Climate crisis demands quick and wide-ranging actions that need to be fair and just. What is the role of citizen deliberation in deciding on climate actions?  How can citizen deliberation help define just and fair climate actions in different contexts?

Professors John Dryzek (University of Canberra) and Simon Caney (University of Warwick) talked about deliberative democracy and climate justice.

This webinar was organised in collaboration with the FACTOR project (Facing system change together: Citizen deliberation in informed and just climate transitions).


10.45 Welcome

11.00 “Deliberating Climate Justice”, Prof. John Dryzek

11.40 Comments, Prof. Simon Caney

11.55 Discussion

12.15 Webinar ends